Omnidea presents "Viriato"

Omnidea made the public presentation of the VIRIATO Project at the end of October.
VIRIATO – Innovative Reusable Vehicle for Research and Leveraging of Orbital Technology, is a project co-financed by the PT2020 program and led by Omnidea with the aim of promoting the sustained development of the Portuguese space technology sector.
Developed by a Consortium led by Omnidea, VIRIATO was developed by four other companies – Tekever, Spinworks, Edisoft, and Optimal – and supported by seven non-business entities: CEiiA, INEGI, ISQ, UP – FEUP, AEDCP, +Atlantic and the University of Évora.
The presentation, which was attended by all the partners and other guests, represented the culmination of this three-year project, which involved an investment of 5.885 million euros (4.269M€ from European incentives).